Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Well we've got our keys & now we are bed shopping cuz we ain't got nothin to sleep on!
We are on our way into Portland to get the keys to our new abode!
We are on our way into Portland to get the keys to our new abode!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We just got the official word from our "new" boss at the Conifer Group & we passed all their back ground, police & reference checks with flying colors!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes!!!! They offered us the job for the one we wanted! We have a job & a place to live!! Thanx for all the well wishes & prayers
Really cross your fingers we're headed to the office of this job to fill out paper work, let's hope there's gonna be a job offer in there!
Wish us luck we're goin into our first interview for a managers position in the Hollywood dist of Portland

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dang I forgot my kleenex for this cuz its gonna be a tear jerk especially for mom! But on the same hand I'm very proud of him! Go Army!
As a family we're on our way to support Jason with his induction. & swearing into the Army at MEPS in Portland, exciting & scary
Got a call from Staff Sargent Anderson he filled me in on Jasons progress thru MEPS & let us know the official swearing in ceremony will be in a couple hours
Bob made a good breakfast blueberry pancakes & sausage, yummy!
This is a day a mother sheds tears our youngest is at MEPS & will sign paper work today to officially join the Army & we're goin this afternoon to witness it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Well this isn't the ritz of apartments but it would be somep place to start till we got a nicer place!
WOW! back in Forest Grove a flood of memories!
Ya know this is so cool I have a group address set up & I send 1 statement or comment & get back support from all over!
We are headed out to Forest Grove to look at a complex & apply there!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Headed home from Garibaldi, very sleepy must be time for bed, good thing I'm not driving!
Words cannot express my happpiness & contentment level today! Kids in 1 car we in another got a cold drink some pork rhines & we're headed west to the beach!
In the truck headed to the beach (Garibldi), we haven't had this much fun since we went to Hawaii last year, its a bit warmer but o so relaxing!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Made it to Portland in time for dads birthday party, food & family ya can't ask for anymore! Gary & I were late for good cause! Haven a lazy saturday so far.