Friday, May 9, 2008

Very First Load

Well, I am finally getting these pictures up on the blog it only took me 2 1/2 weeks. Gary's very first load that he picked up if you can believe this was in Twin Falls. When he got here he had a couple of hours to kill, so the all the boys came and visited with him, I took him to do some shopping and then sadly I had to take him back to his truck so he could head out to North Carolina. We've been separated this time now for almost 3 weeks and it has been tough. I'm staying with Lorly and the kids, Bob is over in Portland with Jason, Bob starts a new job at the VA on monday. The last weekend this month Bob and Jason will be back to move Lorly and the kids to Portland. I'm not quite sure what I am doing at that point, I have to decide if I am going to Oregon for a little while or going to St. George to spend some time with my sister Karen, I am definitely gonna spend some time with Karen before I go on the truck with Gary so it is just gonna be a matter of timing.

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