The break down!
This day started out pretty good, we got into St. George and met up with Karen, Don, Lily and Vince, we had some lunch and then said our good byes. Gary and I had a little shopping to do at the truckers favorite stop, Walmart. Got everything put away, got headed out on the highway, I was comfy in my seat reading my new In Touch magazine I had just purchased and things were looking pretty good heading towards Nevada. Then less then 10 miles down the road we realized the air conditioner was blowing warm air and the controls for the AC weren't responding and the air kept getting hotter. It's only 28 miles from St. George to Mesquite, NV, but when the AC isn't working and it's 112 degrees outside it might as well be 100 miles. We got to Mesquite and Gary put up the hood and smoke was pouring out of the compressor, it was froze up. Got ahold of road services and they said our only option was to drive it to Vegas to an all night truck stop repair, they had Gary cut the belt off so it would stop smoking. Then we went on the hottest most miserable drive of our lives, it was 4pm and it was registering 112 degrees on the truck but it seemed like the gates of hell had opened up!!!! By the time we drove the 80 miles to Vegas we were soaking wet from sweat just for starters. So I have just posted this red picture, it's the front gates of hell that we saw that day!! 
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