Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1st 3 weeks with Stan

On wednesday 23rd, Gary got assigned to a truck with a driver for 3 weeks of training out on the road. Gary is sending me a few pictures from the road, I am posting those as well. This is what we have been told happens after this first 3 weeks, Gary goes back to SLC for upgrade testing, what ever that is? Then he gets assigned to another driver and he spends 2 weeks out with him.

Now here is the awful part, Gary's recruiter left this part out, he has to drive 30 days solo before I can join him on the truck! Which means I have about 10 more weeks before I can be with Gary on the truck. This whole thing is way harder on us than we ever anticipated it would be. But the best part is when it is all over with we will have accomplished our goal and be out on the road together.

I hope that all of you will check back here once in awhile to find out the latest. I will keep this updated as things develop and when Gary sends me more pictures.

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