Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Moving Sale

I mentioned in the April 28th blog about a moving sale and I would tell ya more later, well here it is. On April 12th & 13th we had a large family moving sale. There was all the stuff that Gary and I were getting rid of and that was a lot, we filled up half of Bob's 2 car garage with all the stuff we had to sell. We would have even had a lot more but Andy took all our furniture and all my kitchen to his new apartment. Then there is Bob and Lorly's stuff, they are moving to Portland, OR as Bob has been offered a new position at the VA Hospital up on the hill at OHSU. Anyway, they are getting rid of a bunch of stuff as well, including 2 campers. Then there is Jason, he moved into a new apartment with Andy and had stuff to get rid of as well, a bunch of computer and technical stuff. We filled every spot possible, we had the drive way, front yard, side yard, side walk and the garage full, there was stuff every where, some people made comments that it was the biggest sale they had seen in a long time. The sun came up about 7 am and that's about the time the first person knocked on the door, from then on it was a constant huge crowd at any given time we had at least 15-20 people at the sale. You wouldn't believe the stuff that people were buying, they would buy anything. We think it was a combination of things, it was the first nice weekend of the year, it got to about 70 degrees, and people just wanted to get out and do something and the last thing the true and hard yard salers had not bought their quota of stuff for the year, it was their first big yard sale so they just bought and bought and bought, which was absolutely great! We had some boxes of stuff left which we hauled off to the local auction house and made a few more bucks off the junk!

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