Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Meat packing plants

We have been to 3 large meat packing, processing plants. They all seem to be about the same, as a matter of fact they may be owned by the same company. There is no denying what takes place at the places, first of all these towns they all stink really bad, upon arriving ya notice that the cattle hauling trucks drive into one side of the plant and the reefer units pull outta the other side of the plant. I'm sure you can figure out what goes on in between those 2 places, I said it that way to Jason and he was his usual smart alack self and he said manicure/pedicures and mud bathes? Have ya ever seen the movie, "Fast Food Nation"?, that's exactly what I thought of the first time we pulled into the first one of these plants. Do not get me wrong I am a carnivore, it is definitely a life style, by choice and it takes commitment!

There are always huge feed lots right next to the meat packing, processing plants.

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