Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The whole time I was taking pictures of Portland Oregon, I was thinking of you Carla, I knew of all the people that look at this blog you would know these things and places and enjoy the pictures the most. Bridges, there are bridges every where going over the
Columbis River going through Portland, Steel bridge, Burns bridge and the Hawthorne bridge. Carla you remember when they were building the Hawthorne bridge, they used a helicopter to put the last part of the upper span into place? It was all over the news for days while they were putting that last part into place. If ya look at the small picture in the middle of the collage, there is a tram, this tram goes from the bottom of the hill, up the hill to OHSU and the VA hospital. Steve was born at OHSU and Bob works in the cath lab at the VA hospital. We are talking about when we are done being on the road we are probably gonna move to Portland.
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