Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here Piggy, Piggy

This one is not for those of you that are vegetarians or what ever. Many times in this last year we have had to go to slaughter houses to pick up fresh meat, most times it is beef but once it was pork. Ya drive up to the place and loaded trucks with the the animals drive in one side and bring in the animals, then ya got the buildings, then empty trucks like us drive up to the other end to pick up the butchered meat. You actually have to sit there and wait for the meat you're hauling to be slaughtered and cut up, the the live animals come in one end and come out the other end ready to be taken to the grocery stores. I know there are some of you that are not vegetarians or vegans and eat meat but ya don't wanna know where it comes from, sorry! Sometimes at these places ya wait quite awhile for your load, some times it is a couple of days.
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