We had a family emergency, I had to jump on a plane at O'hare airport in Chicago and get to Portland OR, immediately. Bob our oldest has a rare but deadly kidney disease and we knew it was getting bad and it was going south faster than anyone expected it to, even the doctors. Bob called us about 5-6pm on a tuesday evening and gave us the bad news, he was in renal failure. OMG, as a mother I went into panic mode, luckily Gary helped me thru this. I got online and booked a flight and I landed in Portland at 2:30pm the very next day, we drove to the hospital and checked him in. The next day he started dialysis after having a pic line put in. He is doing better now, but will be on dialysis until a suitable kidney can be found for him. He is pictured here with his two kids, our grand kids, Ken 12 and Kaylee 1. Bob leads a very active life, he is a tech at the cardiac cath lab at the VA in Portland OR. So, we are praying that a suitable kidney is found soon, so he can resume his life as he knew it before this struck him in 2005. I am putting out a plea to anyone reading this blog, family or friends that have any interest in donating a kidney please contact me. I will resume our usual pictures and blogs in a few days. They are always putting new things on the blog, you can now go sign up for different things on our blog page, thanx for being loyal readers, Terri

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