Saturday, June 21, 2008

My own key!

Now the best part of this whole thing, if ya read earlier Gary was gonna have to drive 30 days solo before I could go on the truck with him, now that he is an Independent Contractor, I was legally able to go on the truck with him from day one! So, wednesday June 11th Gary signed the contracts, we went straight to Walmart and did some shopping for the truck. And our very first nite we slept in the truck a huge rain storm came thru SLC and it pounded on the truck roof and it sounded so great, it was perfect sleeping weather. We got dispatched out on thursday and headed for Twin Falls, ID to pick up our first load. Right before we left the SLC yard, Gary went over to the shop and had a key made, it's one of the best presents I think he has ever given me.
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