Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nevada State Line

Now the refer was working good, we had loaded on about 40,000 lbs of vintage cheese, what ever that is? We were headed for Fillmore, UT, which means what? Yeap, going thru Vegas again, now our first experience with Vegas was not a pleasant one, this one was still going good when we hit the state line. I remember back in the mid 80's when I was first introduced to trucking when I worked at TDI with my sister Karen. I took some trips with the guys, including Gary, transferring Ryder trucks outta Vegas to LA. What I remember was a very small establishment called Whiskey Petes, now it is a huge casino and hotel. Across the road was nothing but a dive, I think it might have been a very small restaurant, now it is this huge amusement park place.

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