Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Brunch on Sunday

Bob, Lorly, Ken, Kaylee, Jason, Gary and I went to brunch on sunday december 14th. It was this pancake house the kids had been bragging about, very expensive pancake house! I ordered this apple pancake, it was huge but more like a custard with apples and cinnamon sugar on top of it, I could only eat half of it, I took the rest with me and ate it later cold and I thought it was better cold. I really wanted some bacon so I ordered I side order $6.95 for 4 pieces! Just unbelievable prices by mine and Gary's standards. But the kids like to go there and have been wanting to take us there. The coffee was really good, for $3 a cup it better be fantastic. I know I keep complaining about the price and that wasn't the point of the whole morning, the kids wanted to spend time with us and take us some place they like to go. We all had a great time and a good meal, despite the prices!

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